Subject: Urgent Request from Hordak
Date: Sunday, November 18, 2007, 8:45 PM
From: Hordak, Leader of the Horde, Planet Etheria, Fighters of She-Ra's Rebellion
To: All Horde subjects near and far
Re: Urgent Matter: Back-up Requested Immediately
This is your leader, Hordak, contacting you from the middle of a war with He-Man and urging you to send back-up immediately. We are out numbered and I have sustained heavy losses to my armor, my legs, and now, sadly, my pride (see picture for details).
Please send any bad guys from He-Man world or She-Ra's world that you have. This Friday would be a great time to bring them to help me and Mantenna fend off these rebel scum.
Yours in the Horde,