In July, my sisters and I conveened in Washington State for a week to camp and roadtrip: from Seattle to Spokane to Glacier National Park to Billings, MT.
In 2 days, we hoofed from Seattle to Glacier, picking up sisters, nibbling on cherries, sipping on Buffalo coffee, and reveling in the beautiful mountainscape along the way. After a weekend in Glacier hiking, breathing in the crisp clean (windy) mountain air, smelling the Painted Ladies and Arctic Lillies, playing shadows on million-year-old glacier rocks, and counting shooting stars at night, we headed East out of the Park through the Crow Reservation into the mid-July heat of the flats of Central Montana. By days' end, we arrived in Billings, took in the culture (coughcoughHarryPotter) and laid our heads with fellow travelers at the Louis & Clark Motel. The next morning we said good-bye to one another and the mountains as we hopped flights back to Chicago and New York.