Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

World's Largest Feral Hog: Shot

At work today, I was been asked to cold call some of New York's big game hunters (I ain't talkin' about the ones who try to bag a wealthy Upper East Side widow) in order to garner interest in a lot in our Fall Gala Live Auction, Boar Hunting in Friedrichsruh, Germany. Part of my research included the perusing of Boar Hunting Magazine for possible rich hunters. It was in this fine, fine online publication where I stumbled upon this equally horrifying and fascinating article.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tea Bag Me, Please!

The guy ahead of me at Starbuck's this morning ordered a "2 bag Awake." I wonder when he realized 1 bag just wouldn't do anymore. Maybe it was the same day irony died.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kamelya & Co.

This past weekend I visited one of my best friends, Aylin, and her amazingbeautifulsmarthilarioustalented baby, Kamelya.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Heroine's Journey, Our Jouney, Nana's Journey

A document from my boyfriend's Nana that we found while unpacking his boxes.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sis Con '09

In July, my sisters and I conveened in Washington State for a week to camp and roadtrip: from Seattle to Spokane to Glacier National Park to Billings, MT.

In 2 days, we hoofed from Seattle to Glacier, picking up sisters, nibbling on cherries, sipping on Buffalo coffee, and reveling in the beautiful mountainscape along the way. After a weekend in Glacier hiking, breathing in the crisp clean (windy) mountain air, smelling the Painted Ladies and Arctic Lillies, playing shadows on million-year-old glacier rocks, and counting shooting stars at night, we headed East out of the Park through the Crow Reservation into the mid-July heat of the flats of Central Montana. By days' end, we arrived in Billings, took in the culture (coughcoughHarryPotter) and laid our heads with fellow travelers at the Louis & Clark Motel. The next morning we said good-bye to one another and the mountains as we hopped flights back to Chicago and New York.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ubiquitous Football Season Post About The Bears of Yesteryear

25 years ago, I had just celebrated my 4th birthday when Walter "Sweetness" Payton flew over the Saints defense to make his 126th straight start and break Jim Brown's record for career rushing yards with 12,400 yards. From last week's Sports Illustrated.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today's List (for real)

"Comedy Night" THANK YOU

Last night's Comedy Night at BAMcafe was a rousing success!

We had 346 people in attendance, 5 totally hilarious comics, and hundreds and hundreds of laughs.

For full details, wrap-up, video, and pics please head to:

I can't wait to start working on our NEXT show...!