Tuesday, August 7, 2007

16 Life Goals

From a letter typed to myself on bright pink paper

Summer 2004

1) I will find a reasonable apartment with my own room in a neighborhood I like
2) I will find a full time job at a place I don't hate
3) I will continue to keep working those connections, networking
4) I will lower my expectations about everyday life/activities so that I can achieve those goals
5) I will set realistic goals for myself
6) I will go to LA for Halloween
7) I will not obsess about the silly shit
8) I, like the good Buddhist that is living within all of us, will let that silly shit go right through me
9) I will read cool books
10) I will continue taking improv classes because I love them
11) I will love myself and believe in myself and give thanks that I am where I am, that I have what I have, and that I know what I know
12) I will seize opportunities by the balls
13) I will create the balls of opportunity
14) I will remain active and positive and happy
15) I will always make sure to talk to Mom and Dad on Sundays
16) I will try to see Grandma when I am home...

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